Every Live-Action Disney Movie Remake Ranked Worst To Best

5. Cruella

101 Dalmatians Alice in Wonderland The Jungle Book

When a prequel-slash-reboot to 101 Dalmatians was first announced, even many ardent Disney acolytes rolled their eyes, because did the world really need an origin story for Cruella de Vil?

While the answer remains a resounding "no," director Craig Gillespie at least milks every last drop of style from this glitzy, mid-brow crime comedy.

Emma Stone is well-cast as the younger Cruella and Emma Thompson crushes it as the villainous Baroness, though it's ultimately Jenny Beavan's eye-popping, Oscar-winning costume which leaves the deepest impression of all.

As a piece of storytelling it's far too awash in prequel cliches and groan-worthy plot twists, but in the very least feels like a Real Movie rather than corporate slop created solely to placate shareholders.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.