Every Live-Action Disney Movie Remake Ranked Worst To Best

4. Christopher Robin

101 Dalmatians Alice in Wonderland The Jungle Book

Disney remakes don't get much weirder than Christopher Robin, which follows an older, less hopeful Christopher (Ewan McGregor) as he once again crosses paths with Pooh (Jim Cummings).

Though its more washed-out colour palette and bleaker tone didn't endear it to audiences en masse, Marc Forster's fantasy-drama benefits enormously from its slighter, more restrained approach.

First and foremost, Pooh looks wonderful, rendered here as a startlingly photorealistic living stuffed animal, voiced with customary soul by the great Jim Cummings.

Ewan McGregor is meanwhile an inspired casting choice for Christopher, working from a script which eschews excess sentimentality in favour of something more restrained.

It's nobody's favourite Disney remake, but it at least has a keen sense of artistry and intention behind it - beyond, you know, lining the company's coffers.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.