Every Major Cinematic Universe Ranked From Worst To Best

12. MonsterVerse

Star Wars Shared Universe
Warner Bros.

Outside of shadowy organization Monarch providing the connective tissue, Legendary's MonsterVerse has so far avoided the pitfalls that have blighted countless wannabe universe-launchers. Both Godzilla and Kong: Skull Island have a distinct look and tone, with the movies thankfully more concerned with creating crowd-pleasing entertainment rather than doubling down on exposition and overt references to the wider mythology.

Gareth Edwards' Godzilla took a more patient and restrained approach to the title character, banishing memories of Roland Emmerich's 1998 disaster in the process, while Jordan Vogt-Roberts and his phenomenal beard opted for a balls-to-the-wall period piece jam-packed with action. Both movies earned virtually identical (and overwhelmingly positive) critical notices, as well as over $500m apiece at the box office, ensuring the MonsterVerse got off to a strong start.

Next year's Godzilla follow-up King of the Monsters carries huge potential thanks to a stacked ensemble cast along with the reintroduction of legendary kaiju Mothra and Rodan, which will lead directly into 2020's Godzilla vs. King Kong, a blockbuster that promises to be the Kramer vs. Kramer of city-wide CGI destruction. If the MonsterVerse continues to maintain its current level of quality, audiences could be in for a real treat over the next few years.

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