Every Major MCU Hero Death Ranked From Worst To Best
11. Pietro Maximoff

Along with his sister, Pietro underwent a drastic transformation throughout Age of Ultron. He started his MCU life opposite the Avengers, yet by the end he saved Hawkeye from a barrage of Ultron's bullets, using his own body as something of a human shield.
Ever since they crossed paths on the battleground in Sokovia, Clint and Pietro developed something of a rivalry that kept being called back to. Even when they were on the same team, Hawkeye jokingly considered shooting his new teammate in the back and blaming it on Ultron.
Pietro however, clearly admired Hawkeye and saw how he did his job, which inspired him to do his. He hadn’t been an Avenger for very long, but already he embodied the spirit of giving absolutely everything to the cause.
Not only did his death add to the tragedy that was Wanda’s story throughout the MCU, it brought her and Clint closer together. Hawkeye acted almost like an older brother and mentor to Wanda at times, and it’s hard to imagine that this would have happened had Pietro not done what he did.