Every Major MCU Hero's Greatest Ever Moment

11. Peter Quill - Defeating Ego

Captain America Mjolnir Worthy Avengers: Endgame
Marvel Studios

There was a time when Peter Quill was one of the most popular heroes in all of the MCU. He was fun and quirky, and yet, since he made the mistake of waking Thanos up just in time for him to keep hold of his Infinity Gauntlet, he has been hated by many MCU fans.

That doesn’t simply erase the greatness he achieved before Titan however. He helped saved Xandar, and wielded the power of an Infinity Stone. The greatest accomplishment of his super career however, was defeating Ego.

His father had him brainwashed and was ready to manipulate Star-Lord’s powers before he woke up and smelled the coffee. For Peter, defeating his father by using the very powers inherited from him not only saved the entire universe from the Expansion, it gave him closure about their relationship together, his relationship with Yondu, and he was able to avenge the death of his mother (and the squishing of his Walkman).


This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.