Every Major MCU Hero's Greatest Ever Moment

4. Bruce Banner - The Snap

Captain America Mjolnir Worthy Avengers: Endgame
Marvel Studios

The Incredible Hulk may have fought in the Battle of New York, and against Ultron in Sokovia, but despite helping in saving the world twice, he was never loved by the public. Instead he was seen as a mindless beast, and his rampage in Africa was the final straw. After Sokovia, Bruce headed for the stars and away from Earth.

However, even after years away, he returned to help save the world yet again. After combining the brains of Banner and the brawn of the Hulk, he helped the Avengers re-assemble the Infinity Stones so that they could bring everybody back.

When it came to who would actually snap their fingers in Tony Stark's gauntlet, though Thor was adamant it be him, Bruce stood up to be counted. He believed he had the greatest chance of surviving the snap, though this was far from certain. He had absolutely no idea how the power of the stones would affect him.

Yet still, he put his body on the line to save countless lives throughout the universe, most of which would have still viewed him as nothing more than a monster.


This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.