Every Marvel Cinematic Universe Villain Ranked Worst To Best

27. Kaecilius - Doctor Strange

Doctor Strange Kaecilius
Marvel Studios

Plan: To gain immortality and to help Dormammu take over the Earth by destroying The Ancient One.

Status: Banished to the Dark Dimension.

When you think about it, Kaecilius actually wins in Doctor Strange: he might not help Dormammu take over Earth, but he does kill The Ancient One and he did gain the immortality that he had sought. Unfortunately for him though, the Ancient One's warning that it wasn't what he had hoped for.

Kaecilius works as a character mostly because of Mads Mikkelsen's performance: he's eminently watchable and he has a wonderful knack for delivering lines with menace. But beyond that, he's somewhat limited - not least by his nameless, bland underlings and a lack of character development.

We see way too little of his tragic backstory and there's not enough of a parallel between his fate and what Doctor Strange could become. And unfortunately, he's just way too disposable in the end.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.