Every Marvel Cinematic Universe Villain Ranked Worst To Best

26. Raza - Iron Man

Iron Man Raza
Marvel Studios

Plan: To advance the power and influence of The Ten Rings terrorist group.

Status: Deceased.

Thanks to the unfortunate end of Iron Man 3, we're yet to see what happened to terrorist group The Ten Rings after Iron Man, and it's something of a shame as they represent an intriguing loose end for both Iron Man and Ant-Man.

The group are introduced in the first Iron Man with a faction led by Raza Hamidmi Al-Wazar, and they're immediately established as a threat when they attack Tony Stark's military convoy, almost kill him and capture him. He might not be Iron Man by that point, but his escort is well-equipped thanks to his resources, so that feat shouldn't be underplayed.

Raza is a fairly stereotypical terrorist figure, without a great deal of development beyond his extremism and he's ultimately killed by the treacherous Obadiah Stane. He burns brightly as a one-dimensional figure, but he was never going to be a big player.


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