Every Marvel Cinematic Universe Villain Ranked Worst To Best

19. Kurse - Thor: The Dark World

Thor The Dark World Kurse
Marvel Studios

Plan: To help Malekith turn the universe to dark and establish a ruling order of Dark Elves.

Status: Deceased.

For all of the bad things done in the name of Thor: The Dark World, there's absolutely nothing wrong with Algrim the Dark Elf who transforms into the last of the Kursed.

The fundamental idea of a type of magical super soldier who could sacrifice themselves to become a monstrous weapon is particularly interesting - especially in terms of the MCU's religious extremism allegories - and it's about the only thing that the film delivers on.

Kurse lives up to his billing, unlike way too many villains: after he transforms, he infiltrates Asgard, captures and kills Frigga and almost kills both Thor and Loki before the latter kills him with a black hole grenade. Until then, he's the real deal, more than making up for Malekith's inferiority.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.