Every Marvel Cinematic Universe Villain Ranked Worst To Best

18. Ronan The Accuser - Guardians Of The Galaxy

Ronan Guardians Of The Galaxy
Marvel Studios

Plan: To destroy the Xandarian race.

Status: Presumed deceased.

Ronan The Accuser gets a pretty bad rep when it comes to the MCU's villains - mostly because he's undone by Star-Lord dancing to distract him - but Lee Pace's ferocious performance deserves far more credit than he tends to receive.

He's a zealot, almost completely inhuman because of his singular commitment to wiping out the Xandarian race and the biggest testament to his performance is that he's utterly unrecognisable from his role in The Hobbit.

Ronan is powerful enough to hold an Infinity Stone (somehow), he's brutal in the treatment of his enemies (hence the head-smash at the start of the film) and he's only killed by a similarly unprecedented show of power by Star-Lord andthe Guardians.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.