Every Marvel Cinematic Universe Villain Ranked Worst To Best

9. Aldrich Killian (And Trevor) - Iron Man 3

Iron Man Killian Fire

Plan: To kill the President and take over the world using Extremis, as well as killing off rival Tony Stark too.

Status: Deceased.

If they're not plotting world domination, a significant number of supervillains tend to be motivated by revenge, and Aldrich Killian combines a little of both columns with a pulpy, almost cartoonish edge that makes him a memorable part of the MCU.

He might be somewhat undermined by the backlash to the Mandarin/Trevor Slattery silliness (which absolutely does not deserve the hatred it received), but even on his own terms, he's excellent. His backstory is just petty enough to make him thoroughly dislikeable, but just tragic enough to make it very clear that Tony Stark is totally to blame.

He's basically a super-terrorist, intent on reshaping the world using his volatile Extremis virus, and his use of fragile injured war veterans makes him feel a lot like a Bond villain. But he comes with complexity: he's both haunted by his insecurities and inspired by his new body to be extra bloodthirsty, and when he lets out the inner dragon, he's fearsome on a whole new level.


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