Every Marvel Cinematic Universe Villain Ranked Worst To Best

31. Korath The Pursuer - Guardians Of The Galaxy

Guardians Of The Galaxy Korath
Marvel Studios

Plan: To retrieve the Orb for Ronan, and basically do whatever he's told.

Status: Deceased.

Given that he was trained alongside Gamora and Nebula by Thanos, Korath the Pursuer should have been a fairly big deal, but he was rather catastrophically undermined by his association with the treacherous Ronan The Accuser and being saddled with Sakaaran underlings who were no more than cannon fodder.

The Kree looked a pretty big deal - even if he wasn't allowed the iconic ceremonial dress of Ronan, making them seem like different races -and thanks to Djimon Hounsou's presence he was believable as a threat, but he was bested too many times by Star-Lord to really live up to the billing.

He did almost enjoy redemption by killing Star-Lord, but ultimately Drax pulled his cybernetic head implants out and ended that sharply.


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