Every Marvel Comic Book Movie In Development (& Rumoured) Ranked

15. Namor

Namor The Sub-Mariner

Status: Rumoured

Release: TBC

Recent Updates?

Though there have been suggestions that Marvel's problem with Namor is a rights one similar to Hulk's deal, a Sub-Mariner movie has been talked about a few times over the years and Borys Kit did say that the rights are now back with Marvel as of 2014. Kevin Feige seemed to confirm as much later that year and the remaining issues he brought up were obviously worked out by the time Marvel Chief Creative Office Joe Quesada told Kevin Smith on his Podcast in June 2016 that Marvel had the rights again.

Aside from rumours, the most concrete indication we might be getting a Namor movie came in February, 2017, when Production Weekly listed The Sub-Mariner as a project going into production.

Will It Happen?

Now that Warner Bros and DC have Aquaman in the can and have mapped out how underwater action movies can work, it would be surprising if Marvel didn't pull an Apple and improve the technology and release their own competitor.

And those hints way back in Iron Man 2 must surely be heading towards an actual MCU resolution, right? It's not like they seed things that don't end up happening very often.

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