Every Marvel Comic Book Movie In Development (& Rumoured) Ranked

14. The All-Female Ensemble

Valkyrie Black Widow Scarlet Witch
Marvel Studios

Status: Rumoured

Release: TBC

Recent Updates?

Hot on the tail of the news that Warner Bros are considering a number of all-female superhero/villain team-up movies, it emerged that Marvel might be entertaining the same idea.

According to Tess Thompson, an all-female MCU movie has already been pitched to Kevin Feige by the actress herself as well as Brie Larson (Captain Marvel), Zoe Saldana (Gamora), Scarlet Johansson (Black Widow), Pom Klementieff (Mantis), and Karen Gillan (Nebula). Feige is said to have responded "very enthusiastically" and you know what that means.

Will It Happen?

After taking flak for it taking this long to get a female-led MCU movie, Marvel will no doubt be working doubly hard to get mroe projects out there to help their progressive agenda. And they genuinely need a vehicle for more of their female characters to actually get something to do, so this would be a great development.

There's no way Feige would turn it down if his female actors all pitched him directly- especially now that the news has been revealed publicly.

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