Every Marvel Comic Book Movie In Development (& Rumoured) Ranked

12. Ant-Man 3

Ant Man Flying
Marvel Studios

Status: Rumoured

Release: TBC

Recent Updates?

While the end of Ant-Man And The Wasp leaves the future of the characters a mystery, we will know what happens next when Ant-Man steps up into his key role in Avengers 4. And even without that, there are SOME hints that Ant-Man 3 is already likely, including Michael Douglas talking about his desire to keep making Marvel movies with Yahoo Movies:

“I’m enjoying it, I love it, at this point in my career I mean the idea of one of these every two and a half years is great. It’s a great company to be with it, so for me, the joy of working with people that you already know, you don’t have to go through the formality of saying hello to, is great."

Notice the tense he's talking in. Not "great people to have worked with."

Will It Happen?

Very probably. Marvel tend to go for trilogies with their characters (well, with Cap, Iron Man and Thor, so far anyway) so it wouldn't be at all surprising for Ant-Man's story to be wrapped up with a third entry. And there's ALWAYS enough Paul Rudd goodwill out there to justify it.

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