Every Marvel Comic Book Movie In Development (& Rumoured) Ranked

11. Fantastic Four

Fantastic Four Thing
Marvel Comics

Status: Rumoured

Release: TBC

Recent Updates?

Aside from the suggestion that Fantastic Four will be introduced to the existing MCU (rather than as a separate concern) in the event that a Fox/Disney deal did happen, the well has been a little dry recently as the deal took so long to work out.

But now that it looks like it's all done and dusted, Kevin Feige can start planning for the influx of new characters, with suggestions that it might well take a few years, but that we;'l get a Fantastic Four movie sooner rather than later. These are not rights they'll sit on.

Will It Happen?

Considering how much money Disney have spent on Fantastic Four (and the rest of Fox's assets), the idea of them NOT making something as soon as they're able (and as soon as it's intelligently planned, obviously) is absolutely illogical.

And it's very welcome too, because Marvel's first family deserve a proper go at it. With Brad Bird directing, ideally.

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