Every Marvel Comic Book Movie Ranked From Worst To Best

31. Iron Man 2

Iron Man 2
Marvel Studios

After Iron Man announced the arrival of the MCU in such style, the follow-up, with its increased room for characterisation without the necessary origin building, should have been a swing for the fence. Unfortunately, despite the return of the same creative team, the film looks like a creative dead end as director Jon Favreau didn't really know how to improve on the scale of the first movie.

There are good ideas, as usual: Tony's spiral into self-destruction is a nice fit with the comic (as well as with Robert Downey Jr himself) and its star is just as good. But the villains aren't as compelling as they needed to be, there's no real escalated threat and the chemistry between Stark and Rhodey is utterly unconvincing.

All of the issues look like teething problems, when actually it seems that the film is the result of a disaffected director.

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