Every Marvel Comic Book Movie Ranked From Worst To Best

27. Spider-Man 3

Spider-Man 3 Venom
Sony Pictures

If you were to look up the Too Many Cooks... idiom in the movie dictionary, you'd probably come across Sam Raimi's Spider-Man 3, which also stands as a series of serious missed opportunities.

In the interest of giving fans too much of what they wanted, Sony allegedly forced Raimi to add Venom to the film, fatally unbalancing it and splitting focus way too much to end with a crowded mess with an attention-hyperactivity issue.

But despite how popular that reading is, the simple fact is that none of the villains would have worked alone: they're all just a little broken in their own terms. Venom is reduced to teenage angst, Sandman is boring and his backstory insists too much on his relevance, and the new Green Goblin is a walking narrative device cliche.

None of it feels like Raimi was fully on board, and in light of the stories that subsequently emerged, that's probably precisely the problem.

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