Every Marvel Comic Book Movie Ranked From Worst To Best

49. Howard The Duck

Howard the Duck
Universal Pictures

And the winner for Creepiest Sex Scene in a comic book movie goes to...

Marvel started their foray into big screen film-making with a Duck that was also a turkey long before that monstrosity was a Christmas staple in some homes. Quite why anyone thought Howard The Duck deserved more of a chance to shine on the silver screen than the comic book prime time players remains to be seen, but the 80s were a difficult time for a lot of people and George Lucas was the man behind the project.

Had it been an animated movie as originally intended, it might not have been so bad, but even that probably wouldn't have solved the problems with the tone and the script. And while there is some pleasure to be had in this as a terrible curio, nostalgia has added precisely no room for appreciation here.

The best you can say about the Duck these days is that his appearance as an Easter Egg at the end of the first Guardians Of The Galaxy is basically the biggest indication that Marvel can now do absolutely no wrong.

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