Every Marvel Comic Book Movie Ranked From Worst To Best

19. X-Men: Apocalypse

X Men Apocalypse Apocalypse

To get this out of the way immediately, X-Men: Apocalypse does have its issues, but it's nowhere near the bottom rung of the quality ladder. In a market defined way too much by post-superhero angst over collateral damage and superhero registration, Apocalypse is gloriously unconcerned and takes its responsibility to offer a real threat as a paramount issue. It's the kind of spectacle that The Last Stand aimed for and missed out on.

Sure, Oscar Isaac's performance is hammy, but that's what made Tom Hiddleston's Loki and James Spader's Ultron so effective: with every other comic book movie racing to ground their characters, Bryan Singer delivered a theatrical monster with genetic ties to the 90s Animated Series, which is absolutely not a problem.

The First Class cast members are great, with more to do and greater room to grow, and the new cast members offer hope for the future, even if they needed a little refinement.

What cannot be disputed is that Apocalypse is purely entertaining in a way that blockbuster comic book movies forgot for way too long, with giant stakes and a villain who fits his billing without the hand-wringing and the guilt that currently defines every comic book movie.

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