Every Michael Bay Movie Ranked From Worst To Best

1. The Rock

michael bay movies

It's strange that one of Michael Bay's most overlooked, least-popular movies is, by far, his best.

But this does provide clues as to what went wrong with his career, and why a lot of his more recent efforts have been less-than impressive, quality-wise.

Having to conform to the belief that blockbusters have to be completely dumbed down in order to reach a mass audience has directly impacted Bay's ability to direct a pure film, and not just construct a marketable product.

That's not to say The Rock is 'smart' - it's just that it makes sense, and is never stupid in an eye-rolling way. It's done with such conviction and ferocity - kudos to Ed Harris, Michael Biehn, Sean Connery and Nicolas Cage for giving it their all - that you'll buy every second.

It's a balls-to-the-wall action thriller from start to finish with no respite, no agenda and not a single minute that will prompt you to check your watch. It's that type of pure action movie we just don't see a lot of these days; brutal, adult, and completely unapologetic.

If you're looking for thrills it's hard to beat, and it's a fine reminder of the Michael Bay we lost within a sea of Autobots and Decepticons.

How would you rank Michael Bay's thirteen efforts? Which is your favourite? Leave your comments down below!

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Danny has been with WhatCulture for almost nine years, and is currently Doctor Who Editor and WhoCulture Channel Manager, overseeing all of WhatCulture's Whoniverse coverage. He has been writing and video editing for 10+ years, and first got a taste for content creation after making his own Doctor Who trailers and uploading them to YouTube (they're admittedly a bit rusty by today's standards). If you need someone to recite every Doctor Who episode in order or to tell you about the making of 1988's Remembrance of the Daleks, Danny is the person to ask.