Every Michael Bay Movie Ranked From Worst To Best

8. Bad Boys II

michael bay movies
Columbia Pictures

Bad Boys II is one of the more disappointing sequels in modern movie history - it seemed to take everything the first movie did right, and did it wrong.

It took the first film's sub-two-hour runtime and relatively uncluttered plot and stretched it out into a bloated 147 minutes; the original was also made for a modest $23 million, and that was reflected onscreen with a small scale story and heightened concentration on the banter between our two leads - the film "Bad Boys" was indeed about the Bad Boys.

Unfortunately, Bad Boys II came packing a whopping $130 million budget, and this was also reflected onscreen in the form of excessive action sequences, over-the-top violence, explosions, car chases and shootouts galore.

The first movie's enjoyable (if formulaic) buddy-cop angle was drowned by the amount of cash the production had under its belt, rendering Will Smith and Martin Lawrence as background players amidst all the spectacle.

After a while, it all just gets tiring. Bay didn't understand (and still doesn't) that action and explosions can be fun, but only if used sparingly and effectively - characters are what make movies great. So flesh them out!

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WhoCulture Channel Manager/Doctor Who Editor at WhatCulture. Can confirm that bow ties are cool.