Every Michael Bay Movie Ranked Worst To Best

12. Transformers: The Last Knight

Bad Boys For Life

The last of Michael Bay's Transformers series is only slightly better than its very worst outing. As ever, it falls flat at over two hours, and whilst the special effects and constant stream of explosions make for an impressive visual achievement, they're not nearly enough to save the film from failure.

Whilst the plot is confusing and leading man Mark Wahlberg puts on a worryingly poor performance, the re-introduction of series veteran Josh Duhamel is good to see and the performance of Anthony Hopkins was pretty solid despite the sloppy script he had to work with.

Despite these brief and underused strong spots, however, The Last Knight suffers from the same things all of Bay's Transformers films suffer from - an incoherent plot, tough-to-follow action scenes, poor characterisations and tasteless humour.

The last in a lackluster at best series, The Last Knight does nothing to detract the critics of its predecessors. In fact, as a whole, it's the final nail in the coffin.

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Aidan Whatman hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.