Every Michael Bay Movie Ranked Worst To Best

11. Transformers: Age Of Extinction

Bad Boys For Life
Paramount Pictures

At 165 minutes long, Age of Extinction suffers more than any of Michael Bay's films because of its insane and unnecessary runtime. Though the film starts pretty solid, introducing audiences to Mark Wahlberg's protagonist (replacing series veteran Shia LaBeouf) and a fresh set of human characters, it quickly falls into the poor habits of the other films.

That said, the Dinobots are quite cool (if completely nuts), and Stanley Tucci manages to bring a lot to table as ruthless businessman Joshua Joyce.

The film is let down first and foremost by its length. Though the action is visually impressive and the performances are mostly on point, the run time sees the whole picture fall unbelievably flat by the time the credits are reached. The urgency ebbs away and what you're left with is a tension-less action film with no heart, no drive and no hook.

On paper, pushing forward after the original trilogy of films was a bad idea. On screen, it was even worse.

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