Every Michael Bay Movie Ranked Worst To Best

8. Bad Boys 2

Bad Boys For Life
Sony Pictures Releasing

A much sillier and more explosive action flick than its predecessor, Bad Boys 2's main problem stems from Bay's need to outdo himself.

For the most part, he does a decent job. Bad Boys 2 is a no-holds-barred thrill ride which never lets itself take a breath, and thanks to the speed at which the film flies by it's a really exciting, funny and care-free action flick.

The true strength of the film of course lies in the chemistry between leads Will Smith and Martin Lawrence, who work brilliantly together and drive the film forward with their playful banter and easy comedic chops.

Outside of this dynamic and the senseless but enjoyable action sequences, Bad Boys 2 lacks the emotional drive of its predecessor and uses its violence and constant stream of swearing to cover up the fact that there's no real plot or cohesion to tie everything together.

A fun, hilarious addition to Bay's CV, Bad Boys 2 is nonetheless a rather forgettable action piece.

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