Every Movie Role Tom Hanks Turned Down!

2. Star Trek: First Contact - Zefram Cochrane

Tom Hanks Batman
Paramount Pictures

It's pretty much common knowledge at this point that Tom Hanks is a humongous Star Trek nerd.

The star once confessed to Graham Norton that he was incredibly jealous of everyone aboard the Enterprise whenever he watched the show and movies. He also famously told Jimmy Kimmel that he snuck onto the set of Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan in his younger years.

So, it may come as a surprise to learn that Hanks has actually had the opportunity to be part of a Star Trek movie in his career, but unfortunately had to turn down the project.

Director Jonathan Frakes and the writers behind Star Trek: First Contact had written their version of Zefram Cochrane with James Cromwell in mind. However, the studio were more interested in Hanks taking the role, but the Trekkie had to decline due to being tied up with his directorial debut, That Thing You Do!

During the aforementioned interview with Graham Norton, Hanks did ask Simon Pegg if he could play a Romulan in the more recent set of Star Trek movies. However, as of 2020, we're still yet to see this high profile Trekkie appear on the bridge.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...