Every Movie Role Tom Hanks Turned Down!

1. A Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood - Mr. Rogers

Here we have the most recent turning down of a role on this list. Tom Hanks may have eventually gone on to play Fred Rogers in 2019's A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood, but there was a time when he just wasn't that excited by the project as a whole.

Speaking to CBS This Morning, Hanks confessed that he read the initial screenplay for the film before anybody was attached to make the feature and "didn't know what it was" at that moment in time. Although he did admit that this script wasn't as specific as the one he would wind up agreeing to help bring to life in the end.

Yet, once Hanks found out that Marielle Heller was onboard to direct the film, and after he'd studied her previous work on Diary of a Teenage Girl, he soon decided to reconsider his stance on the role of Mr. Rogers.

This ended up being an excellent decision made by the veteran thespian, as he was yet again nominated for an Academy Award for his performance, this time for Best Supporting Actor.

He may not have donned Batman's cape or met Sally in a diner, but this once-in-a-lifetime performer has more than done alright for himself overall and doesn't look like slowing down any time soon.

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