Every Nick Hornby Movie & TV Adaptation - Ranked From Worst To Best

4. High Fidelity (2020) - TV

john cusack high fidelity

By now in the list, you can probably work out where we’re going, but the recent High Fidelity TV adaption is the exact right place to take the story 20+ years later.

The original novel and film tell the story of Rob Gordon, a man with a disaster of a love life and an encyclopedic knowledge of film trying to discover the reason why women keep leaving him. However, in all the best ways, the Hulu show places Zoe Kravitz’s Robyn Brooks in the place of Rob and crafts a story around a bisexual, biracial woman with very similar hangups however none of the male arrested development that formed a large part of the original story. For some, this may mean that the story lacks the heartfeltness of the original, however the casting of Kravitz allows the showrunners to explore the differences in the musicophile's personality.

The show is equally as messy as the book and film, continues on its awkwardness and looks into the development of dating past the 1990s. Kravitz is the kind of rockstar that makes her equally dissimilar and unbelievable as John Cusack's replacement and perfect for the role of a modern underwhelmed Rob Gordon.


An encyclopedia on European cinema, hardcore music and Lana Del Rey.