Every Peter Jackson Film Ranked Worst To Best

12. Forgotten Silver (1995)

lord of the rings the fellowship of the ring
Warner Bros

Forgotten Silver is an oft-forgotten addition to Peter Jackson's filmography, a whip-smart if underdeveloped mockumentary that takes a look at fictional filmmaker Colin McKenzie (Thomas Robins), who accidentally created the famous tracking shot and close-up years before they were first documented.

The film is presented as a documentary, featuring interviews from Jackson and Sam Neill. In it, McKenzie is shown as a genius way ahead of his time, and his fictional film "Salome" is scattered throughout the 60-minute movie as the director's "masterpiece." According to reports, when Forgotten Silver was first released, it was mistaken as a real documentary.

And, honestly, it's easy to see why. Jackson perfectly captures the essence of Old Hollywood and the seriousness of documentary filmmaking, and by using real-life Hollywood figures as guests, he creates a world in which McKenzie is real, and his work truly was epic and unfairly forgotten. Despite this, though, the film is too short and ends up feeling like wasted potential, not giving itself enough time to dig into its subject.


i get to write about what i love, which is cool. be good to each other