Every Philip Seymour Hoffman Movie Ranked Worst To Best

Ranking the filmography of a talent gone far too soon.

Phillip Seymour Hoffman Doubt
Walt Disney Pictures

In February of 2014, the world lost one of its greatest actors. Philip Seymour Hoffman had shone in everything from political thrillers to rom-coms, challenging existential dramas to eye-opening biopics, and remained throughout his short but magnificent career one of cinema's most in-demand character actors and leading stars.

Hoffman was one of the true greats - that cannot be overstated. His greatest characters were well written, but it was his understanding of them and the film that gave them life.

Almost every role, regardless of the genre or theme of the film, acted as another masterclass in performance and chameleonic talent.

For this list, we're sifting through Philip Seymour Hoffman's eclectic and inspiring filmography, digging deep into his dramas, comedies, and everything in between to find his greatest ever project.

With almost 50 films to get through, let's get stuck in. From his Oscar winning turn in Capote to the underappreciated gems like Love Liza and 25th Hour, here is every one of Hoffman's films ranked worst to best.

49. Klutch - Triple Bogey On A Par Five Hole (1991)

Not everyone in Hollywood gets off to a flying start. Hoffman's acting debut came in this strange and uninspired black and white crime caper, which is only half-remembered these days for Hoffman himself.

Appearing briefly as an off-putting criminal called Klutch, the future Oscar-winner turns up, laughs randomly into the wind, and is gone as fast as he came. Triple Bogey on Par Five Hole is about as boring and pretentious as its title suggests, and Hoffman did well to escape unscathed.


i get to write about what i love, which is cool. be good to each other