Every Pixar Movie Ranked From Worst To Best

13. Toy Story 4

Up Carl Ellie

Many Toy Story fans - this one included - groaned when Pixar announced a fourth film. Toy Story 3 concluded the series in such concrete and pitch-perfect fashion that a sequel felt like a massive mistake - a cynical commercial ploy bereft of creative "necessity."

And while the fact remains that Toy Story 4 absolutely didn't need to exist and doesn't reach the highs of its three predecessors, it is nevertheless a worthy sequel that offers up an affecting epilogue to Woody's (Tom Hanks) story.

Though the plot divisively unpicks Toy Story 3's neat ending, it's ultimately worth it for a tale that deepens Woody's characterisation in meaningful ways, namely by having him reconnect with a now-kickass Bo Peep (Annie Potts).

The supporting cast also includes a bevy of fantastic new characters, namely Forky (Tony Hale), Gabby Gabby (Christina Hendricks), and Duke Caboom (Keanu Reeves).

As much as we said that Pixar would be foolish to make a fourth film, fans will probably be a lot less charitable if Pixar announces Toy Story 5 within the next few years.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.