Every Pixar Movie Ranked From Worst To Best

1. Toy Story 3

It's rare that the third film in any trilogy would be classed as its best, but for it to happen with Toy Story - which had to be rescued last minute from a purgatory of made-for-DVD Disney sequels - is as stunning as it is brilliant.

Shorn of most of its original supporting cast (who have all, devastatingly, been thrown out or given away), the threequel plays out like one long mortality anxiety nightmare. The toys are all on the verge of being forgotten - a fate crueller than death as Jessie's song in number 2 confirmed - as Andy grows into adulthood, and it's like watching a beloved old relative digging his heels in on the way to the retirement home.

That shot where they accept death in the incinerator is just horrible.

While there are some fears that the 4th film will add a sour note of over-extension, there's enough charm left in the tank and the characters remain welcome enough to warrant it. Just as long as they don't follow through on their threats and actually kill off one of the main characters, because that would be too much to take.

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