Every R-Rated Marvel Movie Ranked From Worst To Best

2. Deadpool 2

Deadpool 2

Given the well-publicised decision to get rid of Tim Miller and replace him with John Wick director David Leitch, Deadpool 2 could have been adisaster. Add to that the fact that Fox were under serious pressures to out-do the first movie without making it too much of a blockbuster (as Ryan Reynolds says, Deadpool works better on a comparative shoe-string) and it was a challenge.

But we needn't have worried, really. Thanks to Ryan Reynolds' commitment to the character and his original vision, the sequel is a fantastic achievement in escalation that never loses sight of what made the original so great. Crucially it also deals with all of that film's shortcomings, adding in better characters, better gags and actual heart to go along with 'Pool's shtick.

There are lots of surprises in there - including some great cameos - and a means to progress the character further into a franchise, which is absolutely no bad thing. And timeline issues aside, there's very little to complain about.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.