Every Resident Evil Movie Ranked From Worst To Best

4. Resident Evil: Apocalypse

Resident Evil Milla Jovovich
Screen Gems

The first Resident Evil sequel promised to build on Anderson's original by more faithfully considering the video games, and with the film set to feature Jill Valentine (Jill Valentine), Carlos, Nicholai (Zack Ward), and best of all Nemesis (Matthew G. Taylor), there was plenty to be excited about.

Anderson opted not to direct the film, offloading the job instead to Alexander Witt, a prolific second unit director with a string of enviable credits.

Yet there's a gulf of difference between directing second unit and main unit, and in his filmmaking debut Witt is clearly out of his depth, as evidenced by how haphazardly edited the movie's action sequences are.

Despite hewing closer to the games, this is still a superficially familiar adaptation at best, committing the unforgiveable dual sin of having Alice beat Nemesis in a fistfight and then reinventing him as a tragic quasi-anti-hero in his final moments.

Milla Jovovich does a great job propping the movie up, but it's still glaring proof that pandering to whiny fans about "faithfuness" is rarely a good idea - especially if you've got no intent of actually doing it properly.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.