Every Spider-Man Movie Ranked Worst To Best
1. Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse
When Sony announced that they were making an animated Spider-Man movie set apart from the MCU, we could all have been forgiven for rolling our eyes a little and assuming it was going to be a run of the mill made for home release flick glorified to a big screen position by Sony's lack of Spidey movies to shout about.
Then Chris Lord and Phil Miller came on board. Then Miles Morales was announced. Then the Spider-Verse story was teased. And then the artwork was shown and everyone with half a brain fell immediately in love.
Despite the fact that it was HORRIBLY underseen at the cinemas, Into The Spider-Verse is an absolute game-changer that deserves to kick off a raft of similar animations. It is pulpy, wonderfully in tune with its source and packed with the kind of confidence you'd only ever expect from Lord and Miller. And long may this franchise continue.
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