Every Spider-Man Movie Ranked Worst To Best

14. Spider-Man (1978)

Spider Man 1978 Toei
Toei Co Ltd

Who needs pure adaptations? This 1978 Japanese TV movie monstrosity gives curious fans the chance to see Spider-Man wielding a World War II era machine gun. The show always had strong Power Rangers vibes and if you take away the Spider-Man costume, this would bear no resemblance to the comics at all.

Peter Parker's not the hero - instead we meet motorbike racer Takuya Yamashiro who battles the evil Iron Cross Army using guns and a giant robot. Obviously. It's bonkers and a lot of fun to watch, but if this is your idea of Spider-Man, there's possibly something not quite right with you.

13. Spider-Man (1977)

Nicolas Hammond Spider Man 1978

This is the first in The Amazing Spider-Man TV movie trilogy and the pilot episode of the show itself. It's now very dated, very obviously cheap and very cheesy and it's a wonder the show got past this pilot, let alone running for 13 episodes.

Of course, expecting too much of this is foolish and there is at least some kitsch value to watching it these days. Plus, it's an important step in Spider-Man history if nothing else.

And now on to the REAL Spider-Man movies...

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WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.