Every Spider-Man Movie Ranked Worst To Best
8. Avengers: Endgame
Now, before you get all whipped up and ready to fight in the comments, this is not a reflection of Endgame as a movie in general, but as a Spider-Man movie. And because Tom Holland's part in Endgame is little more than an extended cameo, it's hard to say this is a truly great Spidey movie.
Spider-Man is by no means a main character in the crowning films in Marvel's Infinity Saga, but he plays an integral part thanks to his relationship with Tony Stark and he's given a lot more action than he was in Infinity War. That's largely down to the fact that he only really appears during the final battle sequence.
Having said that, he plays a great part in that battle and we get to see the Iron Spider suit in full flow - as well as a pay-off to the Instant Kill Mode introduced in Homecoming. And then when Tony's big, sad moment comes along, Peter's reaction sells the first gut-punch of a series of them designed to utterly drain you.