Every Spider-Man Movie Villain (Ranked From Worst To Best)

9. Norman Osborn (The Amazing Spider-Man 2)

Here€™s another one of The Amazing Spider-Man 2€™s background villains €“ Chris Cooper€™s version of Norman Osborn. Tellingly, even though he appeared in one scene in the finished film - the one where he€™s bed bound, and passes some bad news to his son Harry (here played by Dane DeHaan) €“ he made more of an impact than The Rhino. Unlike Giamatti€™s horned hell-raiser who only functioned as comic relief, Cooper€™s Osborn does have a certain intimidating presence to him. His appearance €“ as the result of countless experiments on himself - is somewhat grotesque, and Cooper€™s snarling delivery of dialogue leaves a lasting memory, as well as serving to motivate young Harry. It€™s a shame, really, that we didn€™t get to see more of Chris Cooper as Norman Osborn. He never got to become the Green Goblin (not on screen, at least), and we never got to witness the kind of trouble he could cause for Spider-Man. With a bit more screen time, maybe Cooper could have climbed a few places on this list. Tantalisingly, rumours suggest he would have been resurrected in later films, if the Webb series had continued.

Film & TV journo. Quite tall.