Every Spider-Man Movie Villain (Ranked From Worst To Best)

8. Venom (Spider-Man 3)

Venom is a fan favourite villain amongst comic book fans. The version that appears in Sam Raimi€™s Spider-Man 3, though? Not so much. Comic book movie fans, generally, malign the film version of Eddie Brock and his symbiotic suited-up evil persona. He suffers, mainly, from the issue that he has to share the movie with two other villains. Being crammed in between Sandman and Harry Osborn means that Topher Grace€™s take on Venom feels rushed and underdeveloped. Rather than getting a full movie where Spider-Man can be terrorised by his iconic enemy, he just kind of pops up towards the end and gets rather easily dispatched by Spidey whacking a few poles to create vibrations. Although many would state otherwise, it€™s arguable that Topher Grace isn€™t the problem here. He€™s creepy enough, and the special effects transform him into Venom quite well (albeit while leaving his face on show, too much of the time). However, it€™s the script that really ruins Venom. Venom should feel like the complete antithesis of Spider-Man, a dark subversion of everything that the wall crawler aspires to be. In Spider-Man 3, though, he€™s just another villain crammed into a very busy film. Hopefully, we€™ll see Venom done better one day.

Film & TV journo. Quite tall.