Every Stan Lee Cameo Ranked From Worst To Best

4. Avengers: Age Of Ultron (2015)

Avengers Age Of Ultron Stan Lee
Marvel Studios

The last time Lee spoke about his movie cameos, he declared his absolute favourite to be Avengers: Age of Ultron, and it's easy to see why.

At The Avengers' victory party, Thor brandishes a hip flask containing liquor "aged a thousand years in barrels built from the wreck of Grunhill's fleet" that's "not meant for mortal men."

Lee plays a war vet within earshot who tells him, "Neither was Omaha Beach, Blondie." The Asgardian relents and pours Lee a shot, after which we cut to the sauced old guy being helped home by two men, while slurring his iconic catchphrase, "Excelsior!"

Joss Whedon got a lot of things wrong in his overstuffed superhero sequel, but this scene was absolute perfection.

3. Mallrats (1995)

Stan Lee Mallrats
Gramercy Pictures

Amusingly one of Lee's best-ever cameos isn't in a superhero movie per se, but it still makes the cut given how Kevin Smith's 1995 cult comedy is so deeply steeped in the world of comic books (and as such qualifies as a comic book movie).

Lee appears as himself for a surprisingly substantial four-minute cameo, appearing at the local mall and dishing out some relationship advice to fawning fanboy Brodie (Jason Lee), who for his part can't resist asking about the state of Mr. Fantastic and The Thing's genitals.

In addition to boasting that his sexual conquests outpace those of Mick Jagger, Lee tells Brodie about how his superhero creations were inspired by his own personal turmoil, but that comic books can never substitute for real human interaction.

After it's revealed that Lee was in fact put up to the task by Brodie's friend T.S. (Jason London), he concludes his cameo with an absolute zinger of a final line: "I think you out to get him some help, he seems to be really hung up on superhero sex organs."

Giving Lee a superstar cameo before that became the cool thing to do, Mallrats served up the sweetest and most human of all Lee's comic book movie appearances.

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Stan Lee
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.