Every Star Trek Movie Ranked From Worst To Best

1. Star Trek II: The Wrath Of Khan

Star Trek Captains
Paramount Pictures

Despite the old expectation that sequels usually fail to outshine the original, Star Trek II: The Wrath Of Khan is champagne to Star Trek's tepid bath water. The two are vastly different in quality (possibly thanks to the smoother road to production for the sequel), despite how much cheaper Khan ended up being than its predecessor.

The franchise has done well to use veterans like Jonathan Frakes and Leonard Nimoy in helming roles, but in newcomer Harve Bennett, they found an unproven Star Trek gem who worked on a tight leash with a smaller budget and delivered wonderfully.

It helped that they replaced the killer cloud of the original with one of cinema's most recognisable villains in the shape of Khan Noonien Singh (played with exquisite malevolence by Ricardo Montalban), a supervillain in the realest sense. And while the budget was smaller, Bennett invested where it counted - in story, and in doing so, rebuilt the franchise that had faltered at the first step with a hell of an emotional punch at the end.

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