Every Star Trek Movie Ranked From Worst To Best

2. Star Trek: First Contact (1996)

Star Trek Captains
Paramount Pictures

After Generations, Patrick Stewart expressed concerns that his Captain Picard wasn't being classed as a film hero: he felt he was still in TV territory and needed something big to change perceptions. What he got was the greatest Next Generation and Kelvin Timeline film, bringing in one of Trek's most compelling, fearsome races of villains and pushing old favourite narrative issues to the forefront.

First Contact not only has the right blend of action and sci-fi, it also deals with latent technological anxiety, the fragility of humanity and the spirit of defiance in rebellion. It also features time travel, which has always been a winner for Star Trek for a double points bonus.

Having struggled with villains for the majority of the film franchise (hence having a cloud, a nebula and God at various points), the promotion of the Borg to the main event proved inspired, and the idea of their Queen, who develops a sort of infatuation with Data was even more so.

It's just a shame that the Next Generation franchise went so badly off the rails afterwards, as we could easily have got another couple out of Picard and co.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.