Every Stephen King Movie Ranked Worst To Best

13. Pet Sematary (2019)

Stephen King Movies Ranked
Paramount Pictures

This Pet Sematary remake, directed by duo Kevin Kolsh and Dennis Widmyer, takes some liberties with King's novel, but in doing so remembers there's more to the story than undead cats and dying children.

Keeping the nasty visuals of its predecessor but finding gravity in its assessment of our human inability to accept the deaths of those closest to us, the film boasts gloomy jolts of terror and an appropriately petrified ensemble, including a desperate Jason Clarke and mournful John Lithgow.

It's still not perfect - those plot twists soon become overwhelming, and the jump scares too frequent - but the heartbreaking centre of this Pet Sematary is damn near unshakable. And that ending might be the bleakest thing in any King adaptation. Seriously. 

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I get to write about what I love, so that's pretty cool. Every great film should seem new every time you see it. Be excellent to each other.