Every Steven Spielberg Movie Ranked From Worst To Best
32. The Lost World: Jurassic Park (1997)

One of Spielberg's few sequels and his only film to date that truly feels like a rushed-out, soulless cash grab, The Lost World discards the gorgeous finesse of the original Jurassic Park in favour of a credibility-straining plot (even for this series) and, well, a teenage gymnast kicking a raptor in the face. Yup.
There are some intermittently stellar moments - the cliff scene, the mainland attack and Jeff Goldblum being Jeff Goldblum - but it's hard not to feel like the director should be above embarrassing journeyman work such as this.
At least some of Spielberg's expertise is apparent in the set-pieces, even if it's a shame he signed off on such a lousy script.