Every Tom Cruise Movie Ranked From Worst To Best

1. Interview With The Vampire (1994)

Tom Cruise Interview With The Vampire
Warner Bros.

Cruise's greatest performance can be found in the brilliant Interview with the Vampire, a film which, on paper, sounds like it would be the last place you'd find an actor of Cruise's tastes.

Based on the novel by Anne Rice, the horror masterpiece casts Cruise as the infamous vampire Lestat, who sires a broken Brad Pitt and attempts to teach him how to become a creature of the night.

Menacing, methodical and with razor sharp intensity, Cruise makes Lestat every bit as fearsome as he is in Rice's novel, whilst also finding the dark humour and magnetism in the vampire's persona.

Tom Cruise has been in many great films, and he's had countless brilliant roles, but none are quite as unexpected and memorable as his work in Interview with the Vampire.


i get to write about what i love, which is cool. be good to each other