Every Universal Orlando Halloween Horror Nights House 2024 - Ranked

5. Slaughter Sinema 2

universal orlando resort hhn halloween horror nights ghostbusters

The House:

Carey's drive-in has reopened and once again you'll find yourself utterly immersed in B-movie classics, grindhouse gore and even a spaghetti western. Will you survive the movie marathon or is it a die-in?

universal orlando resort hhn halloween horror nights Slaughter Sinema 2

The Verdict:

We had a feeling that this would be one of our favourite houses of the night and we were correct.

Just like its first incarnation back at HHN 28, Slaughter Sinema 2 returned with all the fun elements. The B-movies were fun and well defined. It was hard to pick a favourite of them. There were evil Kris Kringles, Punk Rock skeletons and undead clowns. Everyone in our group loved the stripper mummys.

universal orlando resort hhn halloween horror nights Slaughter Sinema 2

Although there were fun jump scares there was one moment involving the Mardi Gras murders that caught a lot of people out.

The house also had one of our favourite things in a HHN house, a huge puppet!

This house was everything we hoped it would be and there was even a nod to the first maze's contents.


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