Every Upcoming Disney Live-Action Remake - Ranked By Hype

4. Dumbo

Dumbo 2018

It's tough not to have a soft spot in your heart for Dumbo, for though the 1941 animation is barely an hour long and hasn't aged well in all areas - especially the black stereotype crow characters - the titular big-eared flying elephant is just too damn cute.

The soppy, sentimental Disney classic has been remade by Tim Burton, with a script written by, uh, Ehren Kruger (Transformers: Age of Extinction, Ghost in the Shell) and a stacked cast including Colin Farrell, Michael Keaton, Danny DeVito, Eva Green and Alan Arkin.

Early reviews have called the film Burton's best in years and as much an expansion of the original as it is a remake, boasting a doubly-long run-time which has clearly allowed a more fleshed-out treatment of the characters and its message.

So while purists should brace themselves for a film that's hardly slavish to the source, it sounds like Dumbo 2019 could fix the original's problematic elements while taking the story in a worthwhile new direction.

It's the only movie on this list which people have actually seen, so it can't not rank highly here.

Dumbo flies into cinemas on March 29.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.