Every Will Smith Movie Ranked Worst To Best

7. Bad Boys (1995)

King Richard
Columbia Pictures

Though Michael Bay is far from the best director around, his debut film Bad Boys is his best effort, and a nice reminder that he used to marginally care about the stories he put onto the screen.

Following Lowery and Burnett as they attempt to save a woman from the mob whilst acting like each other in a hilarious case of mistaken identity, the action-thriller extravaganza is dark and brooding, but also genuinely funny in a way Bad Boys II would soon lean into too heavily.

At the centre of all this, Smith works his charm to portray Lowery as both cocky and heroic despite his flaws, bringing the whole film to life in a way a lesser actor would have never achieved.


Aidan Whatman hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.