Every Wolverine Movie Performance Ranked Worst To Best

7. X-Men: The Last Stand

Wolverine Hugh Jackman
20th Century Fox

X-Men: The Last Stand - the third and final entry in the OG X-Men series - was unfortunately a bit of a disaster. For some reason, it just felt different from the previous two films, whether that was because it attempted to up the stakes too much or because it was directed not by Bryan Singer but Brett Ratner.

Whatever the reason, the lacklustre quality of the movie rubbed off on the character of Wolverine. With characters like Professor X and Cyclops absent throughout large portions of the run time, Wolverine is given even more of a focus, but it seems the film has very little idea what to do with him.

Rather than utilising Wolverine's reluctance to conform, The Last Stand forces him into a leadership role, but it sadly just doesn't work.

Perhaps it might have if more effort had been spent focusing solely on "Wolverine as leader", but during much of the time he's too concerned about Jean Grey to attempting to band the X-Men together. It just doesn't really work.


Commonly found reading, sitting firmly in a seat at the cinema (bottle of water and a Freddo bar, please) or listening to the Mountain Goats.