Every X-Men Movie Villain Ranked Worst To Best

18. Agent Zero

Agent Zero

Appeared In: X-Men Origins: Wolverine

As mutants go, Agent Zero isn't the most impressive or showy, because his mutation is basically no more than slightly elevated human characters like agility and reflexes. He's just sort of really good with guns and is a bad dude. There have been great villains based on considerably less, though.

He proves his nastiness in Origins when he's the only other member of the original Team X to remain loyal to Stryker (alongside Victor Creed) and cements it by murdering the farmers who look after Logan. He also comes pretty close to hurting Wolverine, but it's his ruthlessness - a curiously human trait - that sets him above the others on this list so far. He has no problem executing innocents to get to his target.

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